
Incoming Call ACD/Skill-Based Routing/Virtual Queue

Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) 

Incoming calls are routed to the agents according to availability with busy instances put on hold and into the appropriate queue.

Group Automatic Call Distribution 

It is also possible to manage incoming calls by routing them into a Group ACD.  This functionality allows agents with the same skill set level to be grouped together, reducing and optimizing the agent’s workload, with the call being directed to the best available agent and thus the waiting time in queue is reduced.

Skill Based Routing for Incoming Calls

Skill Based Routing for Incoming Calls uses a built-in algorithm to connect the call to the agent with the most appropriate skill set for managing and resolving the issue.  The agents can be categorized into various skill sets (i.e. language, A and B skill set capabilities, etc.) and the skill set level can be defined (i.e. good, poor, non-existent or based on a level from 1 to 10).  This type of call routing requires that the customer first be authenticated (via caller ID or by PIN code in the IVR) and the minimum skill set required for the agent to serve that specific customer has been defined (i.e. the agent answering the call must speak English on an intermediate level and skill set A is minimum level 3, skill set B is minimum level 8).  Through this structure the caller will be routed to the most competent available agent.  The system also takes into consideration the expected call waiting times and in the event that these are longer than the defined alert level it will route the call to an available agent with a best suited but lower skill set level.  If this is not possible then an option for voice mail is offered to the customer so that he/she can be called back at a later time.

Economic Virtual Queue

Through the Economic Virtual Queue functionality callers can be placed in a virtual queue in order to be called back at a later time and connected to the most suitable agent to handle their call.  This way, the productivity of the contact center can be increased by managing peak calling times more efficiently and customer service improved.  Also, for example the call back functionality can allow callers to save money if the contact center uses a premium rate phone number and thus waiting in queue would create excessive and unnecessary costs for the customer.  This functionality is available, not only for voice, but for all other active communications channels as well (fax, e-mail, SMS, chat and social media).

Customer Benefits

  • Most Suitable Available Agent Answers the Customer’s Call
  • Equal Distribution of Workload
  • Shorter Queue Waiting Times
  • Satisfied End Users
  • Cost Savings with the Economic Virtual Queue
Integrated Voice Response (IVR)

IVR Overview

ExpertCall SMCC comes with a built-in Integrated Voice Response (IVR) with automated call routing capabilities and also flexible integration possibilities to existing back office applications via a sophisticated API.  The built-in IVR functionality includes an editor which allows, through a graphical user interface (GUI), the IVR menus to be customized, voice files recorded, edited and uploaded.  Through the use of pre-defined user parameterized commands, the total routing structure can be simplified and easily modified according to the needs of the customer.

With ExpertCall SMCC IVR functionality, many tasks can be automated, thus allowing the agents to mostly handle calls that require sophisticated knowledge.  This can significantly reduce the manpower and workload requirements of the Contact Center.

In addition to traditional IVR functionality, Expert Call SMCC can be customized to use touchtone, speech recognition and video functionality in order to communicate with the callers.  It can be easily integrated with 3rd party systems in order to send/receive data and information which in turn creates a more robust solution for the customer.  Of course such integration requirements would need to be scoped on a case by case basis.

Voice Speech Recognition

ExpertCall SMCC IVR has a built-in tool allowing for voice speech recognition.  This way a customer can navigate the IVR menu by just using their voice instead of pushing dial tones on their handset.

Text to Speech

ExpertCall SMCC IVR also has a built-in tool allowing for text to speech.  This allows the IVR to read back to the caller a numerical amount, or simple words such as yes/no and thus reducing the need to use live agents whenever possible.


The IVR module can be integrated to an existing contact/call center and thus used as a standalone product only.


The IVR module was developed with security in mind and thus data encryption.  Thus data transfer or storage is secure and works in all standard TDM and IP environments.

Customer Benefits

  • Easy Customization
  • Decreased Agent Workload
  • Reduction in the Total Cost of Ownership
  • Built-in Voice Recognition/Text to Speech with no added cost as is the market standard
Outbound CamPaign management/Predictive Dialing

ExpertCall SMCC comes with a built-in outbound campaign management tool with various dialing options including predictive.  This functionality can help maximize the contact center’s productivity as inbound/outbound can be blended.

On-Demand Outbound Calling

With ExpertCall SMCC the agent has the option to start an outbound call on-demand.  The calls can be recorded as required and are stored in the database through which calling list reports and statistics can be created.

Outbound Campaign Management

ExpertCall SMCC, as a system, can import call lists in either MS Excel or CSV format and can manage basic calls, callbacks and/or filtered calls.  Each campaign can have separate termination codes and/or code groups, which the agent can use after the customer call to define/categorize the success of the interaction.  The agents can also be assigned to campaigns as required even in real-time.  However, at one time an individual agent can only work in one campaign, but multiple campaigns can be run simultaneously. The work of the agent participating on the campaign can be supported through the use of scripts, available in html format, which appear on his/her desktop.

Multi-Channel Outbound Communication

ExpertCall SMCC can use multiple contact channels (voice, fax, e-mail, SMS) for outbound communication.

Standard Agent User Interface

The outbound user interface is exactly the same as it is for inbound, allowing the agent easy operation and no issues regarding switching back and forth between handling inbound and outbound communication.


The same robust reporting functionality is available for all outbound communication as it is for inbound.  This is described in greater detail under the reporting section.

Outbound Script Customization

Through the use of the Questionnaire Attendant module, the outbound campaign script can be created and customized according to the needs of the campaign.  This is described in greater detail under the Questionnaire Attendant section.

Standalone Technical Design

The outbound campaign works using a SIP architecture working with most SIP, TDM and hybrid solutions.  Thus, it can be purchased as a standalone product to work with an existing legacy PBX for example.

Customer Benefits

  • Flexible Outbound Campaign Management
  • Efficient Use of Resources
  • Reduction in the Total Cost of Ownership
  • Call Blending of Inbound/Outbound on Multiple Contact Channels
  • Integration to 3rd Party Systems’ Data for Campaigns
  • Robust Reporting Possibilities
Questionnaire Attendant/Quota Module

The Questionnaire Attendant Module is a built-in tool to allowing for the creation of agent scripts for campaigns or objection handling.  The Quota Module is ideal for outbound campaigns especially for surveys or opinion polls.

Questionnaire Attendant Module

The Questionnaire Attendant Module allows for any number of questions to be created and any number of possible responses to the questions to be created.  The Questionnaire Attendant Module can also use campaign data integration, open word-field creation, condition based question/answer options, various relations (equal, less than, more than) and logical connections (and/or) for various data fields.

It is also possible to create question groups allowing for linear scripts, random, rotating and/or hierarchal questionnaire groups, allowing for the customization of the question scripts on various logical and system levels.

Quota Module

This module was designed specifically to support Research/Opinion Poll Companies or companies performing similar tasks.  The functionality supports outbound campaigns by being able to define the various parameters which can be used to work through a caller list.  For example, 100 successful calls must be made of which 50 need to be men and 50 women.  With the use of the module once 50 men have been successfully contacted only women are contacted until the desired 100 contacts are reached.  The quote module can be defined on either using:

  • Database quota
  • Script quota

Customer Benefits

  • Flexibility to Create Campaign Specific Questions
  • Individual or Group Based Questionnaire Options
  • Useful Tool in helping Measure Agent Achievement
  • Ideal for outbound Selling
  • Ideal for Research Firms
Efficient Outbound Dialing Algorithm

ExpertCall SMCC has multiple built-in algorithms usable for outbound campaigns which can help make the outbound campaign easily customized to meet the needs of the customer.  The aggressiveness level of the dialer can be modified according to the amount of lost calls that are acceptable and/or based on the business or legal requirements of the country/company.  There are three available dialer modes: Preview Mode (Agent decides), Power Mode (Automatic Dialing) and of course Predicative Mode (ideal for outbound campaigns).

Preview Mode:  The Agent decides when the outbound call is initiated based on his/her availability.  This works as an On-demand tool allowing the agent to initiate the call with just the click of an icon on the desktop.

Power Mode: The built-in dialer automatically initiates the outbound calls and automatically connects the call to the next available agent with the appropriate skill-set.

Predictive Mode: This is further detailed in the Outbound Campaign section and works using a traditional predictive methodology initiating outbound calls using complex built-in algorithms.

Customer Benefits

  • Flexibility with Multiple Outbound Dialer Options Available
  • Aggressivity Level can be Set Based on Legal and/or Campaign Requirements
  • Helps Increase Efficiency of the Contact Center

Customizable reporting possibilities are available both in real time and historically, with the ability to retrieve data either in record based or aggregated format for all contact center channels.  There is also the possibility to set alerts based on business needs and allow supervisors to make changes as required even in real-time.

Real-time and Aggregated Historical Reporting

With ExpertCall SMCC it is possible to prepare both real-time and historical reports for incoming/outgoing calls and multimedia communication channels either in record based or in an aggregated format.  It is also possible to create graphics and/or tables from the data in the reports down to the individual agent level or up to the entire contact center.  Through the use of the reporting functionality workload can be better forecasted and hence help optimize the contact center’s agent numbers.

IVR Reporting Module

ExpertCall SMCC is able to collect reporting data and present it in graphical/table formats for the various menu items within the IVR.  It can also count the number of „hits” each menu item has received and create reports based on where the menu item was reached and how many instances this occurred.  Through this functionality the IVR menu structure can be optimized and the infrequently contacted menu items removed while the most common ones expanded.

Social Media Reporting

Social Media as a channel can have both real-time and historical reports as with a voice channel allowing for the most effective use of social media.

Pre-Made Reports

ExpertCall SMCC comes with numerous pre-made reports that can be used to measure the effectiveness/productivity of the Contact Center.

Real-time Customization

Reports can be customized real-time as required by the supervisor in order to help make decisions regarding the routing/structure of the contact center.

Customer Benefits

  • Aggregated Reporting for all Contact Center Media Channels Including Social Media
  • Real-time Decision Making Options
  • Customization
  • Full Functionality Built-into Reporting Module – Not Separated as with Most Competitors
  • Detailed Calling and Interaction Lists

ExpertCall SMCC is a flexible tool with a built in softphone which works in either web based or desktop client environments.  Also, it is possible to integrate with the existing back office systems and applications as required.

Computer-Telephony Integration (CTI), Screen Pop-up Applications, Database Integration

Through the user of CTI integration, the caller data (name, address, telephone number, current affairs) appear on the agent’s computer/laptop/desktop automatically (though the use of an existing database or electronic telephone directory).

Through this functionality, prior to the agent receiving the call, information can be gathered about the caller thus expediting and managing the handling of the call in a more professional manner and improving the entire customer service experience.  However, this functionality requires that the caller be identified in some way, either by caller ID or IVR PIN, prior to being connected to the agent.

Built in SDK

ExpertCom SMCC comes with a built-in software development kit (SDK) to allow for full integration with existing legacy systems/software and to allow for easy integration with future technology requirements.  This means that as your business changes and the systems/software used, ExpertCom SMCC CTI capabilities can change along with you.  The solution was designed using open standards and documented API’s to allow for relatively easy integration.

CRM Integration

ExpertCom SMCC already has an existing integration with Microsoft CRM and Salesforce.  Other CRM solutions can be easily incorporated, after scoping, into the Contact Center if required.

Customer Benefits

  • Easily Integrated and Customized Solution
  • Faster and Better Customer Service
  • Available Information About the Contact Center’s Customers
  • Scalability in Terms of Adding Functionality
  • Investment Protection
  • Existing Built-in Integration with Major CRM Tools

Fully integrated solution to existing major social media tools allowing clients the ability to integrate this form of communication channel fully into their contact center.

Integrate Social Media into Your Business

With ExpertCall SMCC you are able to integrate another form of communication in Social Media into your business.  Social Media is continuously expanding as a form of communication and becoming a greater part of our everyday lives.  Most businesses already use some form of Social Media for announcements but generally these channels of communication are currently not integrated into the contact center.

Grow your Business

By implementing ExpertCall SMCC you can grow your business by leveraging the communication channels with Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.  We have built-in integration tools with Facebook, LinkedIn and twitter in order to easily incorporate these channels into your business.  Also, if a new social media outlet becomes common, though our open system, we will be able to integrate those easily as well.   Most business currently does not use social media as a business tool but by incorporating it into the contact center it can be use as a revenue generator.  Outbound campaigns based on social media contacts can be created or for example the chat functionality in Facebook can be used as a tool to sell your products.

Advantages of Social Media

Social Media is becoming a more and more common form of communication between individuals and businesses.

Improved Overview of your Business

Many businesses are already using some form of social media.  One of the disadvantages of Social Media is that it is generally only used as a forum and is considered outside the scope of the core business.  By integrating it into the contact center, social medial becomes a greater part of your core business as is the case generally with the contact center.  As you perform reporting and campaign decisions based on the contact center data, information from social media becomes just one other form of communication channel that is included into that data.  It enables you to take advantage of what you know about your customer and use it to best serve them.

Unified Contact Database

As stated above, the data and information gathered in social media becomes a part of and is integrated and unified with the data collected from traditional communication channels such as voice or e-mail.  Thus, all contact data and information is stored in one database regardless of the communication channel.

Unified History

With ExpertCall SMCC all communications channel history is recorded in one format.  This allows the agent to see what communication has taken place with the given customer in the past and when.  This leads to a better customer service experience as there is a recorded history of all forms of communication with that customer.

Automated Content Analysis & Classification

ExpertCall SMCC can automate content analysis and classification.  This functionality allows for the querying of keywords and thus classifying the social media messages based on the required next steps such as callback or other contact method.  These then can be prioritized based on the customer, type of message and so forth to best manage communication with the customer.

Communication Management

Through the collection and analysis of the content, the communication to the customer can be managed based on priority, skill set of the agent or other parameters.  Since social media communication is treated as any other form of contact center communication it can be integrated according to the needs of the contact center or the customer.

Online Communication via Facebook Chat

One very interesting benefit of ExpertCall SMCC’s social media integration with Facebook is the way the Chat functionality is used.  Within Facebook there is the possibility to chat and this can be incorporated as a communication channel into the Contact Center allowing for the agent to communicate to the end user via chat in real-time.

Customer Benefits

  • Increased Revenue and Growth for your Business
  • Expanded Reach
  • Better Customer Service
  • Increased Brand Loyalty
  • Management of Social Media as a Traditional Communication Channel

Built-in flexible solution fully integrated to support all non-voice communication channels, based on business needs, allowing for real-time modifications as required.

Real Unified Communication

ExpertCall SMCC has been designed in a way so that all channels of communication (email, sms, chat, fax, voice call, and social media) can be incorporated into the contact center.  It truly unifies all current forms of standard/available communication channels.

Unified Customer History

With ExpertCall SMCC all communications channel history is recorded in one format.  This allows the agent to see what communication has taken place with the given customer and when.  This leads to a better customer service experience as there is a recorded history of all forms of communication with that customer.

Unified User Interface

For the agent working in the Contact Center all channel communication is managed using the same user interface.  This leads to a more effective workforce as the agents need to only learn one user interface and then can manage all forms of communication interaction within that interface.

Customer Benefits

  • One Solution for all of Your Contact Center Communication Needs
  • Easily Integrates with 3rd Party systems
  • Scalable – You can start with voice and slowly incorporate other channels
  • Unified User Interface

ExpertCall SMCC’s Agent Desktop software can be installed both locally on the desktop and/or centrally on a server and it works in browser, desktop client and mobile client environments.

On-Premise:  ExpertCall SMCC works in traditional on-premise solutions using the existing hardware of the customer to provide robust contact center functionality.  It works on both Linux and Windows based servers and through its flexibility can be easily adapted to existing database infrastructure.

Cloud: ExpertCall SMCC also works as a cloud based solution allowing for a pay as you use model.  Easily expandable, the infrastructure requirements are provided be ExpertCom (AmazonEC2 or MS Azure) allowing customers the ability to use all of the benefits of ExpertCall SMCC without having to invest in hardware.  This setup also allows for a very quick deployment of ExpertCall SMCC at the customer.

Unified Agent User Interface

In ExpertCall SMCC’s Agent Desktop, the agent uses the same user interface for all forms of contact center communication or in other words the desktop screen is the same for all forms of communication generally making use of the system by the agents much easier.  Also, the training of agents is simpler and faster due to the unified user interface and since there is a unified desktop user interface agents will work faster due to the simplicity in its use.

Data History

With ExpertCall SMCC, data for all forms of communication is shown in real-time to the agent.  Thus, as the agent is communicating with the customer he/she can see the entire communication history with the given customer in real-time.

Customer Benefits

  • Reduction in Costs for Agent Training
  • Better Customer Service
  • Flexibility:  Works On-Premise or in the Cloud

Robust traditional PBX functionality such as voice mail, call-forwarding, call control, conference and faxing. Supports interoperability with leading telephony hardware, VoIP Providers and SIP compliant VOIP phones.


ExpertCall SMCC comes with a built-in software based PBX with all standard traditional PBX functionality.  It can receive incoming calls, make outbound calls, call waiting, call pickup, call transfer, conference, call-forwarding, use of DTMF tones, listen-in and voice mail. It also supports dialing from the integrated phonebook, setup forwarding rules and the use of an integrated fax.

Multi-site This functionality allows the customer to connect two locations and the relevant servers in order to provide free calling between the two sites.

Call Control ExpertCall SMCC offers all of the basic call control functionalities via supported phones and/or by the more convenient way by using the ExpertDesktop interface on their PC/laptop, such as hold, transfer, Call Parking and Call Pickup.  It is very easy to place a call on hold, dial another call and after completion resume the original call, transfer a call to another agent, extension or external number, conference calls together and use the other call control options.

Call Parking This functionality allows the customer to put a call on hold and then continue the call on any other device in the contact center.

Call Pickup This functionality allows the customer to pick up a call from an any other extension included into to the relevant calling group.

Call Forwarding  This functionality allows the forwarding of incoming calls in the event of busy/no answer to another extension or phone number.

Phonebook This functionality allows for the calling of numbers registered in the phone book according to name.  The phonebook contains the list of names and phone numbers registered.

Voicemail This functionality allows for messages to be left in the event that the individual is  unavailable to take the call.  The voice mail light on the telephone handset indicates to the user that there are messages in the voicemail (the appropriate telephone functionality is required).

Voicemail E-mail This functionality allows for users to listen to their voicemail messages on their PC. 


Conference Bridging This functionality allows users to conference incoming calls after authentication up to 30 at one time.

Conference Calling This functionality allows users to conference both internal and external parties.

Phone provisioning

Many leading SIP Phones are interoperable with ExpertCall including Aastra, Cisco, Grandstream, Linksys, Yealink, Polycom, Siemens and more.  Using the automatic provisioning feature ExpertCall can automatically configure most SIP phones with the appropriate extension settings.  Also VoIP Gateways that  seamlessly interoperate with the system include: Berofix,  Grandstream, Patton and Sangoma.

Video calling and conferencing

ExpertCall is capable of making video calls using compliant video phone hardware or using the integrated videophone. Video calls can also transferred and conferenced just like voice only calls.

Fax machine

ExpertCall can handle voice calls and faxes. So you can publish one phone number, and then let ExpertCall send calls and faxes to the right place.  Also supports the use of an outgoing fax machine, or print a file on your computer and send it as a fax.  Also supports email to fax and fax to email functionality.

Customer Benefits

  • Standard PBX Functionality
  • Purchase cost dramatically lower than a traditional hardware PBX
  • Non Contact Center Specific Only
  • Reduced Costs Save using SIP trunks, VoIP providers
  • Easy call control, phone and extension management
  • Call routing and least cost routing saves money, and protects against downtime. 
  • Out of the box configuration for many VoIP Providers, VoIP Gateways and IP Phones.

Existing integration with Microsoft CRM and with the possibility to integrate with other CRM systems


ExpertCall SMCC was designed as an open system with flexibility in mind.  Thus, it can rather easily be integrated with other systems or software through a web-based applications and or API.  Because of its flexibility, ExpertCall SMCC can fully be fully integrated into the company’s workflow and be linked to an existing CRM system or an external database.

Existing Integration Modules:

  • Connector for Microsoft Dynamics Nav-CRM 3.0/4.0,Online
  • Call Center Connector for online CRM
  • TAPI connector for all CRM software that supports TAPI integration

Resources are available real-time for the agent to link FAQ and categorize interactions according to the needs of the Contact Center.


ExpertCall SMCC has a built-in module for categorization.  For example, with the keyword look-up functionality, e-mails can be categorized based on topic.  Thus, on the basis of content analysis, topics can be categorized to make sure interaction between the most appropriate agent and the customer is the most effective.  Categorization can be done either based on customer actions or agent targeting.


It is the possible to automatically include a signature on written responses to customers as is common is most e-mail systems.

Standard Response

Once the e-mail/chat is categorized, standard responses can be generated and automatically sent to the customer.  This can be done either by individual agent routing or auto-reply.


ExpertCall SMCC has a built-in module for FAQ (frequently asked questions) that can be accessed by all media channels and by the agent in order to provide customer support.  The FAQ module and the information contained can be customized as required.

Customer Benefits

  • Quicker Response to the Customer
  • Right Agent for the Right Topic is Used
  • Reduction in Workload for the Agent
Security & Scalability

All aspects of the ExpertCall SMCC were designed with security and scalability in mind.  Though the use of modern encryption techniques and firewalls all data is secure.  The entire structure of the contact center was designed with a focus on scalability.


ExpertCall SMCC was designed with security in mind and comes with encryption.  For example all date in the IVR is encrypted using the most modern technologies.  It was also  designed for operational continuity with an SLA of 99.99% (5x9s) available.  All data is replicated automatically for disaster recovery purposes.


ExpertCall SMCC was designed so that a customer could begin with only a few contact center agents and scale up to 4000 agents if required.

Customer Benefits

  • Encrypted Data
  • Business Continuity
  • Grows as your Business Grows

Identical client management for all communication channels, allowing for easy usage for the agent.  All communication channels contact history for each customer is available in real-time for the agent.

Unified Contact Management, Unified Customer History

ExpertCall SMCC uniformly manages contacts regardless of its type.  It is possible to manage communication with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Email, SMS, Fax send/receive and chat as required.  The media server manages the content analysis and categorization and, as with a voice call, the other forms of communication are put in a queue and distributed to the agents according to skill-set.  The agent enjoys the same user interface options on the screen regardless of the communication format.

Unified Customer History

ExpertCall SMCC records all communication history with a specific customer and the agent handling the call can see the entire history of the communication with that customer.  This helps the agent in his/her work and also significantly improves the customer’s experience.  The date of the contact is recorded and this can be a very useful tool in providing a personalized experience to the customer.

Customer Benefits

  • Standardization of Usage in the Contact Center
  • Agent Productivity
  • Improved Customer Satisfaction
  • Retention of Customers

On-demand or total voice recording possibilities are available with easy retrieval for both inbound and outbound call recordings.  Percentage recording can also be set, if full recording is not required, allowing the supervisor to check the agent’s work quality randomly.

Voice Recorder

The voice recorder module in ExpertCall SMCC was created with a focus on flexibility in mind.  It can be set-up according to the requirements/needs of the contact center.  If full voice recording is needed, due to legal or compliance requirements, the system can be set up in such a way.  However, On-Demand recording initiated by the agent is also possible.  There is also an option available for random percentage recording, which can be used by supervisors to monitor the work quality of the agents.

Outbound Campaign Management

With just a click on the screen, recordings can be initiated on-demand to support outbound campaigns.  For example, in certain countries where a voice recording is acceptable as a purchase order, it can be an excellent tool to reduce administration and paperwork.

Group Record Export

Records can be grouped and/or categorized according to the needs of the Contact Center.  For example if all recordings for a specific customer are required or if a specific outbound campaign’s recordings are needed, then they can be collected and exported as required.

Integration with the Supervisor Management Tool

The voice recorder is fully integrated with the Supervisor Management Tool.  This allows the supervisor to use the voice recorder and the data collected through it as required.

Filter Based Export

Recordings can be first filtered according to parameters set and then exported as required.

Real-time Listen-In

ExpertCall SMCC also comes with a built-in real-time listen-in function.  This can be an excellent tool used for quality control purposes within the Contact Center.  For example, live call support can be provided by the supervisor to the agent via the conferencing functionality. Also, this functionality can be used as a training tool for agents.  There are three types of Listen-In options:

  • Listen-in only
  • Listen-in with the supervisor being able to communicate with and coach the agent
  • Listen-in with the supervisor setting up a conference call with both the agent and customer

Customer Benefits

  • Flexibility – Recording Frequency can be Set Easily as Required
  • Improved Agent Performance with Training and Listen-in Options
  • Quick and Easy Recording Look-up
  • Multiple Filtering Recording Options both for Inbound/Outbound
  • Outbound Campaign Support via Listen-In 

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